Peer Review
Peer review is a central pillar to the accreditation process.
There are benefits for both the institution and the reviewer.

Institutional Benefits
External Validation – Peer reviewers provide an external perspective on operations, programs and practices
Quality Assurance
Benchmarking – Peer reviewers bring insights and best practices from their own institutions
Expertise – Peer reviewers are experienced educators whose knowledge and insights can be invaluable in assessing quality and effectiveness
Enhanced accountability – Peer reviewers play a crucial role in holding institutions accountable for their commitments and the quality of education they provide
Public confidence –Accreditation can boost public confidence. Peer review ensures objectivity, increasing public confidence in the process
Data-driven decision making – Peer reviewers ensure data is assessed objectively and can guide evidence-based decision making
Colleges and universities benefit from using peer reviewers in the accreditation process by gaining external validation, ensuring quality, fostering continuous improvement, and aligning with best practices and standards in higher education. Accreditation and peer review help institutions maintain accountability and enhance their standing in the educational community.
Peer Reviewer Benefits
Contribution to Quality Education – your insights and recommendations can help institutions enhance operations
Professional Development – you gain a deeper understanding and enhance skills
Broadening perspectives – you are exposed to a variety of educational approaches, structures and challenges
Giving back to the community – serving as a peer reviewer is away to give back to the educational community and contribute to the greater good
Influence on education policy – your recommendations and insights may help shape educational policies and practices
Civic engagement – you are actively engaging in civic responsibility and helping to uphold educational standards for the benefit of society
Serving as a peer reviewer for accreditation offers a unique opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to education, further your professional development, and engage with the broader educational community. It can be a fulfilling and enriching experience for educators and administrators who are committed to maintaining and improving the quality of higher education

Section 1 – Evaluation Team Resources
The following documents may prove helpful as you engage in the Self-Study review process and prepare for and participate in the Evaluation Team Visit.
Section 2 – Evaluation Instruments
The following forms constitute the Evaluation Instruments that an Evaluation Team member, Team Chair, or both must complete. A number of these forms will be completed by the Chair in consultation with the other Evaluation Team members.
All Team Members
Reliability and Validity Study – this form must be completed before the team proceeds to the other evaluation instruments.
Team Chair Only
Evaluation Team Consensus – to be completed by the Chair in consultation with all Evaluation Team members
Evaluation Team Recommendation – to be completed by the Chair in consultation with all Evaluation Team members
Team Member Evaluation – to be completed by the Chair – one evaluation for each team member
Evaluation Team Orientation
In preparation for service on an Evaluation Team Visit, each team member is required to view the Evaluation Team Orientation video found at the link below. After you have viewed this video, you will be required to submit the verification form located below the video. During the initial Evaluation Team meeting, the Evaluation Team Chair and TRACS staff will follow up on the matters covered in this video with a focus on specific matters.